Less than one out of every three adults has a Will, and yet, the transfer of wealth from the Baby Boomers generation is expected to be the biggest in history. There is no simple solution to solve every problem that may arise in the future, especially after an individual passes away. A Will, however, may […]
Founding Partner at Gaslowitz Frankel LLC, Craig Frankel, spoke at the 57th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning earlier this month. This virtual and in-person event brought industry professionals together for the nation’s premier continuing education program in estate planning. The event covered advanced-level topics in estate planning including litigation, international planning, philanthropy, ethics, and […]
Fiduciary disputes are legal disputes involving someone with fiduciary duties — duties to behave in the best interests of another. When fiduciary disputes arise in the state of Georgia, the litigation attorneys at Gaslowitz Frankel have the expertise and experience to bring cases to satisfying conclusions. What Are Some Common Areas of Litigation Dispute? Trust […]
Trusts are powerful tools that trustors can use to manage their estates. Many parties, from the trustor to the beneficiaries and the trustee, are involved in a trust being managed and executed successfully. When one or more of those parties fail, and conflict arises, litigating parties must rely on knowledgeable and proficient legal counsel to […]
When you create a business, it is often more than just a business. It is a representation of your values and contributions to your family, the community, and the world. The best business relationships are partnerships in a shared vision. However, like any other relationship, business relationships can deteriorate. This can sometimes be the genesis […]
Gaslowitz Frankel, LLC celebrates Executive Director Cheryl Gaslowitz’s 30th year with the firm. The partners, attorneys, and staff of the firm know that without her committed leadership we would not be able to operate at the level necessary to bring quality service and solutions to our clients. “Cheryl’s leadership, guidance, and friendship have been an […]
Will disputes in Georgia are not uncommon. Wills can do incomparable good for the family of the decedent by providing security and a legacy. However, wills often benefit a cast of people with different points of view, motivations, personalities, and goals. When disputes arise between beneficiaries, a Will can rapidly go from providing peace of […]
Do you want to contest the Will? When a family member or loved one passes away, the best outcome is one that leaves no uncertainty about their final wishes. If you believe that your loved one’s Will did not reflect their wishes, you may be able to contest, or legally challenge, the validity of the […]
Each estate dispute is a unique case with its own considerations, family dynamics, and individual needs. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options are ideal for many beneficiaries trying to resolve estate issues because the experience can be customized to meet the unique needs of the opponents. Mediation is often a beneficiary’s first thought when it comes […]
Those facing complex trust and estate conflicts deserve quality guidance through the legal process to resolve their disputes. Sometimes, taking the issue to court is necessary. However, it can be a tedious and expensive process and is not right for every conflict. For those that need an alternative, finding an intelligent and resourceful mediator or […]
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Gaslowitz Frankel LLC
303 Peachtree St., NE
Suite 4500
Atlanta, GA 30308