Can You Contest a Will Without Breaking Family Ties?

Unlike many other types of legal documents, Wills are directly connected to many emotionally heavy subjects, including the life and death of a loved one and their relationship with their potential heirs. It is therefore unsurprising that Will disputes are notoriously difficult on family ties. Clients often ask us “Can you contest a Will and while maintaining good family relationships?”

The attorneys at Gaslowitz Frankel LLC have decades of experience working with clients contending with Will and Estate disputes. We have seen firsthand the emotional toll these disputes can have on families. We have also seen cases where families made it through the other side of a Will contest as a strong family unit.

While every family situation is different and there are no guarantees, it is possible to contest a Will without breaking family ties. A few simple strategies can be employed by estate litigation attorneys to help keep families intact after the dust has settled.

How Can Alternative Dispute Resolution Help?

Those who want to both contest a Will and maintain family ties might consider alternative dispute resolution options. Popular alternatives include mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law. These options can help parties to come to an agreement that is beneficial to all parties, usually with the help of a middleman such as an arbitrator or mediator. 

Alternative dispute resolution is beneficial for families for several reasons. Oftentimes, Will disputes cases are highly sensitive, especially if they involve minors.  Some alternative dispute resolution options allow for discovery and presentation of evidence in a non-public forum.  Because proceedings are not open to public scrutiny, the process is less likely disrupt family relationships.  

Litigation that is concluded through alternative resolution, as opposed to court, is typically more cost-effective and less time-consuming, which also lessens family strife.  Most importantly, alternative dispute resolution encourages parties to work together to reach a solution acceptable to all parties. 

Can You Contest a Will and Guarantee that Family Members Will Stay on Good Terms?

Of course, there is no way to guarantee family relationships will not suffer when claims are addressed through alternative dispute resolution . However, for highly sensitive situations, alternative dispute resolution is often the best option for maintaining good relationships.  

Gaslowitz Frankel LLC Solutions to Keep Families Intact

The attorneys at Gaslowitz Frankel LLC understand how Will disputes can impact families. We work to lessen client stress through good communication, guiding our clients through the legal process and helping them make decisions for their long-term benefit.  

We listen intently to our clients to get to the root of the issue, employing compassion and kindness instead of ruthlessness when necessary.

The attorneys at Gaslowitz Frankel LLC are available to represent clients through the mediation and arbitration processes. 

About Gaslowitz Frankel LLC

We have the compassion and experience to help beneficiaries understand their unique situation and make the best decisions to optimize their outcome. We have the expertise to address client concerns, including the desire to honor the deceased, minimize conflicts, and alleviate stress. 

Fill out our contact form for a free consultation.