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Category: Estate Disputes

The advent of DNA testing has solved many problems in contemporary society, from areas such as criminal justice, to custody, to healthcare. In the world of estate planning, DNA testing has become a foolproof way for heirs to prove their legitimacy. For those considering using DNA as a tool in their estate dispute, it is […]

Is court necessary to solve your divorce estate dispute? When divorced couples disagree on estate settlements, and it becomes apparent that legal assistance should be involved, the emotional toll is heightened. Court is an obvious first thought, but alternative dispute resolution offers a different route to solve your dispute. Deciding whether to bring your case […]

All divorces can be emotionally and physically exhausting, but a High-Conflict Divorce comes with additional emotional stress and pain. It’s easy for estate planning considerations to slip through the cracks during this process. However, if one’s estate plan is not addressed during or immediately after a divorce, particularly a high-conflict divorce, conflicts from the divorce […]

If a divorce is already being settled outside of court, settling an estate dispute during divorce outside of court may be a natural next step. If divorcing couples can agree on it, alternative dispute resolution offers a way for the parties to come to a structured decision without a court’s involvement. No matter the estate […]

As the premier fiduciary litigators in Georgia, we have firsthand experience helping families solve conflict. In a recent episode of our “Wealth Matters” radio show, Gaslowitz Frankel partners Adam Gaslowitz, Craig Frankel, and Robert Port answer more questions on how to avoid family disputes regarding money, estates, and businesses. How Do Spouses Affect Estate Planning? […]

Financial disputes and stress are a leading cause of divorce, and studies show that “financial well-being, financial disagreements, and perceptions of financial inequity are associated with the likelihood of divorce.” If couples sign a prenuptial agreement before getting married, then money conflicts during divorce may be promptly solved. However, if this is not the case, […]

The transition period between marriage and divorce poses particular challenges regarding trusts and wills. A recently divorced spouse, or a couple in the midst of divorce proceedings, may wonder what rights they have to their spouse’s estate. The status of divorce proceedings matters for probate assets. Can I Remain a Beneficiary or Fiduciary If My […]

As the premier litigation attorneys for the state of Georgia, we have firsthand experience helping families resolve conflict. In the latest “Wealth Matters” radio show, Gaslowitz Frankel partners Adam Gaslowitz, Craig Frankel, and Robert Port hosted a roundtable discussion on how to avoid family disputes regarding money, estates, and businesses. What Are Some of the […]

More often than not, a home is the most valuable asset in an estate. It follows that many people want to pass their home down to their children. However, a home is a difficult thing for siblings to share unless they plan to live in the home together. Further, adult children may have their own […]

Disinheritance by a family member can be a bitter experience. For an individual who is disinherited in Georgia, they are often viewed as estranged from their family. However, disinheritance is not always caused by bitterness, and is sometimes seen by parents or spouses as a reasonable solution to a unique circumstance. In most cases, however, […]