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Category: Business Disputes

“Funding” a living trust refers to the process of transferring the ownership of assets from yourself to your trust. When this occurs, the assets are no longer titled to you, individually, but to your trust in care of your trustee. Funding a living trust can be quite complicated as different assets have different processes for […]

After a trust is initially created, it’s important to manage and, if the trust is revokable, to update it as significant life events occur. From graduating, getting married, having kids, and grieving the passing of loved ones, there are various stages throughout our lives when a trust should be revisited to ensure all information and […]

It is with great excitement that we announce that the 2022 edition of “Georgia Business Litigation,” published by Daily Report Books and edited by Gaslowitz Frankel partner, Robert Port, is now available for purchase.   Originally published in 2014, “Georgia Business Litigation” has served as a comprehensive guide for business litigators throughout the state of […]

Are you getting ready to give your kids the family business? Are you unsure of what to expect and plan for? In a recent episode of our “Wealth Matters” radio show, our founding partners Adam Gaslowitz and Craig Frankel met virtually with two special guests from Wilmington Trust: Southeast Regional President Garrett Alton, ChFC, CLU, […]

When handing over a family business to the next generation, there are a few common and costly mistakes people make. Our founding partners Adam Gaslowitz and Craig Frankel recently hosted an episode of our “Wealth Matters” radio show with two special guests from Wilmington Trust — Southeast Regional President Garrett Alton, ChFC, CLU, CEPA and […]

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a type of employee benefit plan that companies can participate in. They are qualified retirement plans that buy, hold and sell company stock for the benefit of the employees. With an ESOP, a trust is established and each year the employee makes tax-deductible contributions of company shares that are […]

When both parties agree that their dispute can be resolved without litigation or going to trial, they’ll begin the process of alternative dispute resolution. There are different types of alternative dispute resolution. Depending on the solution you are looking for, you could go through mediation, arbitration, or collaborative law. Alternative dispute resolution is usually more […]

When you are planning to enter a business partnership with another individual, you should draft a partnership agreement before anything else. This will help to be proactive and decrease business disputes down the road. Likewise, a business must also plan for what is sometimes referred to as a business divorce. In situations where a business […]

Not all disputes between business partners or even family members can be resolved on their own. Sometimes it takes additional help from someone who is looking at both sides from an outsider’s perspective. Most people believe that if they cannot resolve issues by themselves, that the next step is to take the dispute to the […]

When you’re updating or creating important documents like wills, trusts, business agreements, and power of attorney documents as circumstances change, you’ll want to ensure that the documents will be valid in court if your dispute cannot be resolved outside of the courtroom. One way to do this is to have your documents notarized at the […]